Nutrition and Wellness for Real Life.

Giving you the tools to make lasting change in your health and well-being.

Helping You Meet Your Health and Wellness Goals

We empower busy people how to make lasting change in their health and well-being. We do this by teaching easy, strategic shifts in nutrition and well-being that work for real life. No gimmicks or fads. Health habits that stick, tailored to the goals you want to achieve.

Plus, we have fun. Lots of it.

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Shannon Pfeffer, Holistic Health Coach, NBC-HWC, CNC

Why? Because it wasn't that long ago where I was just like you. Looking everywhere for answers on how to feel like myself again, and spending money on little and big things to do it. The truth is, I never got my energy back or felt better with all the things. It changed when I committed to a system and stuck to it. I feel better now (even with 3 kids 6 & under!) than I did in my early 20s.

If you've been searching for a way to change your habits and consistently feel good, you've found your solution. It's not another to-do or something that will take up more of the time you don't have to give. It's a strategic lifestyle shift and myself and team will show you step-by-step how easy it is to instill lasting change and improve your healthspan.

So what do you say? If you've read this far and you're still nodding your head, you're in the right place.

More about SHANNON →

Learn more about reaching your health and wellness goals:

  • Book a 1:1 coaching session with our founder and wellness expert Shannon Pfeffer. With years of experience in both the high-pressure world of corporate food marketing and as a holistic nutritionist, Shannon has developed a method of nutrition and wellness for real life - aka busy people just like you.

  • Twice a year Shannon Pfeffer opens the waitlist to her signature group coaching program. Backed with the latest research and science, this 6-week program tackles five key areas of wellness: food, stress, sleep, movement, and mindfulness. Clients leave the program better informed about their holistic health and have specific, SMART goals to work on beyond the program.

  • Shannon Pfeffer works with founders of health, wellness, and mental health brands on a strategic level to build or create their digital businesses.

    Shannon also consults corporate companies on their in-house wellness offerings to employees, in particular, to new/expecting/returning to work parents.


What Our Clients Say About Shannon Pfeffer Wellness


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Are you on a first name basis with your barista? You know the one that you see every afternoon when you need a pick me up.

Feeling tired and being a parent or professional shouldn't be mutually exclusive. I show you step-by-step that you have the power to change your life and feel vibrant again.

Shannon Pfeffer Wellness is right for you if you want to reach health and wellness goals, but don’t know where to get started. Or feel overwhelmed at the thought of getting started.

We’re here to guide you every step of the way. Including that awkward moment where you break up with your barista. Sorry, Krista.

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